Personalised Approach to Learning for Students with Special Needs
We believe that the key to Inclusive Education is the acceptance and the support to ensure that education facilities are accessible for all. The European Agency of Special Needs (EASN) states that ‘the ultimate vision for inclusive education systems is to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful, high-quality educational opportunities in their local community, alongside their friends and peers’. Such vision requires a change in teaching and in supporting the learning process of the students with SEN. It also requires moving away from the approach a ‘one -size-fits-all’ education and training, towards a more person-centred and tailored-made approach. In order to implement Learner-Centred Approaches, teachers should gain competences to enable them in identifying and in meeting the needs of the learners.
Our goal is that Students with Special Needs can participate in mainstream education with their peers with an individual plan which reflects their individual needs and opportunities. So they have the opportunity to achieve professional qualification in mainstream Vocational Education and Training.